Julie Vander Poorten has always been drawn towards the exploration of the relationship between the inner world of a human being and the outer world around him through Art and Science. She started to work in the film industry, and as a photographer; besides that she made few Architecture projects. Her insatiable curiosity led her to devote her life to learning; psychoanalysis and cognitive neurosciences were part of it. This 14 years long search has led her to the discovery of the Alexander Technique in 2008. She was trained by Claire Destrée Monique Vanormelingen and Michèle Desonai at The Alexander Technique Centrum in Leuven. She graduated in 2013. Trough her practice of the Technique she deepened her understanding and her work on the psycho-physical support. She is now teaching the Alexander Technique approach to dancers at the Antwerp Royal Academy as she believes it is a great tool for the study of mouvements and an inspiration for creativity.
tel: 02 649 21 40
gsm: 0476 328 157
mail: julievandp@gmail.com
Rue du Mail 98
1050 Ixelles